Larry Flynt | Free Speech Activist

"If you're not going to offend somebody, you don't need the First Amendment."

- Larry Flynt

Larry Flynt

Order in the Court


I know from personal experience that the most important thing a U.S. President can do is use his power to appoint judges to our country’s most powerful courts. Long after the chief executive has left office, the justices will still be there, making decisions that will affect every aspect of our lives.

That’s why obstructionist Republicans in Congress have been obsessed with blocking Obama’s appointees to the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals, even going so far as to nonsensically claim the President is trying to pack the court. In reality, the most influential benches in the land still lean conservative, and Obama won’t be able to change that before his adminstration ends. In the case of the Supreme Court, that imbalance could well be remedied by Obama’s successor. Another reason to vote Democrat in 2016.

In a perfect world it wouldn’t matter who appoints whom, since judges are supposed to interpret the law impartially, free of personal bias and political pressure. But as we’ve seen in Supreme Court rulings, politics infects everything—especially in D.C.

Our civil liberties are constantly under attack. It is more vital than ever to make sure our courts are politically and culturally balanced. I call on the President to push back against the Republicans and put his imprint on our court system. And I call on constituents throughout the country to let your representatives know:

Obama’s appointees to our courts must be confirmed. The President’s place in history is secure. Let’s make sure his judicial legacy is equally lasting.


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